Flight Times
The approximate time to show up for your flight varies depending on the month and date of your flight. The chart below gives you an idea but we will confirm the exact time with you when you make your reservation.
Show up time is:
15 minutes before am flights and 30 minutes before pm flights. |
January 1-15 7:30am 3:30pm
January 15-30 7:15am 3:45pm February 1-15 7:00am 4:00pm February 15-28 6:45am 4:15pm March 1-10 6:30am 4:30pm March Daylight Savings (DST) - 31 7:00am 5:30pm April 1-15 6:30am 6:00pm April 15-30 6:00am 6:15pm May 1-15 5:45am 6:3Opm May 15-31 5:30am 6:45pm |
June 1-30 5:30am 7:00pm
July 1-30 5:30am 7:00pm August 1-15 6:00am 6:30pm August 15-31 6:15am 6:15pm September 1-15 6:30am 6:00pm September 15-30 6:45am 5:30pm October 1-15 7:00am 5:00pm October 15-31 7:30am 4:30pm November End DST -15 6:30am 3:30pm November 15-30 6:45am 3:15pm December 1-15 7:00am 3:00pm December 15-31 7:15am 3:15pm |